HanAll Biopharma Announces the Results of HL036’s Phase 2 Clinical Trial at the Ophthalmology Innovation Summit (OIS) in the U.S.
- Announced the results of phase 2 clinical trial at OIS@AAO 2018 held in Chicago, the U.S., from October 25 to 26 
- Informed the superiority of “HL036 (Tanfanercept) eye drops\', a bio-drug for treating dry eye syndrome

On the 26th, HanAll Biopharma(CO-CEO Seung-kook Park and Jae-chun Yun) announced that the company participated in the \'Companies to Watch\' section of the OIS@AAO 2018(Ophthalmology Innovation Summit at American Academy of Ophthalmology) held in Chicago, USA, and announced the results of phase 2 clinical trial of HL036 in the U.S.

OIS@AAO 2018 is an ophthalmologic conference in which officials from companies involved in medicines and medical equipment related to eye diseases and investors participate from all over the world. 

The announcement made at the OIS is the result of analyzing the efficacy and safety of HanAll’ Biopharma’s novel biologic, HL036 eye drops, which were administered to 150 patients with dry eye syndrome. The announcement video will be available on the OIS website later.

HL036 is a biopharmaceutical that treats diseases by inhibiting TNF(tumor necrosis factor) that causes dry eye syndrome. The phase 2 clinical trial was completed in the US in the first half of this year and the phase 3 clinical trial is scheduled for early next year.

Dr. Edward Bernton, Medical Director of HanAll Biopharma, said, “At this event, we announced the safety and excellent efficacy of HL036 on inhibition of corneal damage and alleviation of dry eye symptom that were confirmed in the phase 2 clinical trial conducted in the U.S.” “We will inform the excellent clinical effects of the HL036 eye drops to major pharmaceutical companies and investors in the ophthalmic field, and at the same time, we will achieve clinical results differentiated from those of our competitors through the phase 3 clinical trial to be conducted in the U.S. next year. "

HanAll Biopharma is planning to make presentations at major ophthalmological conferences such as the ARVO(Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology) 2019 and AAO (American Academy of Ophthalmology) 2019 and publish articles at major ophthalmology journals in order to promote the superior clinical results of HL036.

In the United States, which accounts for 70% of the world\'s dry eye syndrome market, more than 30 million people have dry eye syndrome, but only two kinds of drugs are sold under the approval of the Food and Drug Administration(FDA), and there a high unmet medical need. HanAll Biopharma is aiming at a global market of KRW 3.8 trillion including the US dry eye market worth KRW 2.7 trillion. The market is gradually growing due to factors such as increasing use of smartphones and LASIK surgery, and its size is expected to exceed KRW 7 trillion in 2027.